Whatever their favorite source of news (newspapers, television, or the Internet) consumers are inundated with bad news: earthquakes, stock crashes, volcano eruptions, tsunamis, job losses, hurricanes, bank closures, forest fires, building collapses, epidemics, budget cuts, and on and on. Some days, it's hard for us to keep smiling!
So, let your blog be a respite from all of the dire news that consumers see everywhere else. Instead, focus on the good that is happening in your marketplace.
Where can you find this good news? Three sources are available to anyone:
- Keep your eyes open: there are signs (literally), everywhere - town billboards, store signs, posters on telephone poles, notices on library and supermarket bulletin boards. Make a note of who is doing what, and blog about it.
- Read your local newspaper as soon as it comes out. Highlight and blog about the good news items you find there.
- Monitor your town's Internet site for news and announcements, and help them spread the word.
As the old Harlen and Mercer song says, "Ac-cen-tu-ate the positive, e-li-mi-nate the negative, hold on to the af-firm-a-tive. Don't mess with Mr In-Between." (1944). Your blog can become the go-to place for good news about your community and marketplace.
And don't forget to share your blog posts, via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Posterous, and other social media sites. That will draw more readers.