I know: you're saying to yourself, "Robin is stating the obvious, again. I have already milked my previous jobs dry, in building my Sphere of Influence (SOI)."
But wait - there's more! Along with previous jobs, you also get ...
... skills, knowledge, and experience.
In a previous post, I asked "What do people see in you?" Through this post, I'd like to help you direct people's attention to the skills, knowledge, and experience you gained through previous jobs: the richness of your life experience, if you will.
So, your first task (after entering absolutely everyone into your SOI database) is to enumerate the skills and knowledge that you gained at the various jobs. Then, consider how you can adapt each skill or class of knowledge to improving your real estate business. Admittedly, some (such as running a particular machine) will be a stretch. But others (such as managing inventory, collective bargaining, or filing business papers) will readily generalize to real estate.
Apply that selected list of skills and knowledge to improving your business plan, your prospecting and marketing plan, your customer relationship management, your presentations, and your web site.
Next, inform the world of how your rich, varied experience enables you to work better with people, to market listings more effectively, and to provide first-class customer service. In your web site biography, describe how your work experience makes you a more effective real estate professional.
My own background is a tapestry of different kinds of work in various businesses and industries. Yet, I can honestly say that I have used practically everything I learned, along the way, in each successive career. I hope the same is true for you.
A taste of winter
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